
Chiropractor for Neck Pain, Migraines & More

Wellness Care

If you are already a wellness patient and you have moved here from out of state and are looking for a Denver chiropractor, then welcome!

At Broadway Chiropractic in Denver, we believe that a proactive wellness lifestyle is essential if you want to get or stay off drugs and live a long and healthy, active life. No one should have to spend the later years of their life in a nursing home or hospital depending on others to take care of them.

Once you have successfully gotten rid of your neck pain, low back pain, and health problems, and they are no longer affecting your life negatively; Dr. Madden will sit down with you and show you how to make sure that your back pain and neck pain stay gone. Custom wellness plans are designed for you, and then we will see what you would like to do.

Posture Correction

It is no secret that posture affects your health. Everyone has been told to "sit up straight." If you want better posture, it is important to know what controls your posture, how posture affects your health, and how to permanently improve your posture. At Broadway Chiropractic, we realize the importance of posture, and as a result, we are dedicated to the correction of bad posture as well as posture education for the residents of Denver.

A common misconception about posture is that one just needs to sit up straight. Although body positioning awareness is a good thing, using muscles to override your posture is not the solution. Just ask yourself this question: What happens after a few minutes of sitting up straight when your mind starts to focus on something else. The answer, as we all know, is the body slumps back into the bad posture. The reason for this is that muscles only have temporary control of our posture. As soon as the muscles relax, the posture returns to its current state. The reason why is that muscles move our spines and can temporarily straighten them up, but ligaments actually hold the spine together and control its permanent shape. Being at the core of your body, your spine is responsible for your posture. Whatever your spine is doing, it will force you to have that posture. Just picture an elderly person with a humped back and head forward posture using a walker or in a wheelchair. They do not want to be like that, but their collapsing spine is forcing them to be like that.

Posture problems like forward head posture (FHP) can stretch the tissues of the neck, including your airway, your spinal cord, as well as your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Research shows that forward head posture can stretch the airway and decrease lung capacity by as much as 33%. Research also shows that forward head posture can stretch the spinal cord 1-3 inches! This is why posture can affect all functions of your body. Getting less oxygen and disrupting the signals from your brain to your body will always end with a high incidence of health problems.

A common misconception about posture is that one just needs to sit up straight. Although body positioning awareness is a good thing, using muscles to override your posture is not the solution. Just ask yourself this question: What happens after a few minutes of sitting up straight when your mind starts to focus on something else. The answer is the body slumps back into a bad posture. The reason for this is that muscles only have temporary control of our posture. As soon as the muscles relax, the posture returns to its current state. The reason why is that muscles move our spines and can temporarily straighten them up, but ligaments actually hold the spine together and control its permanent shape. Being at the core of your body, your spine is responsible for your posture. Whatever your spine is doing, it will force you to have that posture. Just picture an elderly person with a humped back and head forward posture using a walker or in a wheelchair. They do not want to be like that, but their collapsing spine is forcing them to be like that.

At Broadway Chiropractic in Denver, we have years of experience helping people correct their posture problems. Dr. Madden utilizes a posture correction technique that is specifically designed to improve your posture. We also combine that with customized posture exercises and strengthening to help get you lasting results. Then, we teach you what to do so you can have a better posture permanently. If you want to avoid getting the hump or are embarrassed about having bad posture, call us so you can start feeling better about yourself and start coming home from work every day feeling better with increased energy!

Neck Pain

Is it affecting their sleep or their concentration at work? Is it worse now than it has been before? Here at Broadway Chiropractic Denver, we help patients in the Denver area get rid of neck pain, and we strive to educate patients on how to keep this pain from returning.

The most common causes are the joints of the neck, the discs of the neck, and the soft tissues.

The joints of the spine, also known as spinal facet joints, are a common cause of neck pain. Facet joint pain can be caused by injuries, joint motion problems, and arthritis. Injuries to the facet joints can occur from trauma like slips, falls, and car crashes. Facet joints can also develop motion problems due to trauma, repetitive stress, and wear and tear. Facet joint injuries can irritate nerves and can cause neck pain, head pain, upper back pain, and shoulder pain. Once the facet joints get "locked up" or subluxated, they no longer move in their full range of motion and start the degenerative process. The more you use or exercise a dysfunctional joint, the faster it will break down and degenerate. Arthritis or degenerative joint disease is the result of a long-standing problem with the spine that has never been corrected. If normal motion and alignment are not restored to the spine, then it will continue to degenerate and become more arthritic and eventually very painful.

The discs of the spine, also known as intervertebral discs, are another source of neck pain. Intervertebral discs are what separate the bones (vertebrae) of the neck. It is essential to have normal motion of the spine, or the disc will dehydrate and degenerate. A degenerating or injured intervertebral disc can bulge and herniate. This can put direct pressure on nerves and/or the spinal cord. The resulting pressure on the nerves can cause weakness, numbness/tingling, neck pain, upper back pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, and hand pain.

Soft tissues of the neck include muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Muscle spasms are most commonly involved and usually accompany injury and dysfunction of the facet joints as well as disc injuries. Scar tissue forms in the soft tissues after traumas and injuries. Scar tissue is weak, not elastic, and does not get as much blood supply as normal tissue. If you want muscles to be strong, it is essential to work the scar tissue out of the soft tissues.

Dr. Madden has more than two decades of experience in examining, diagnosing, and helping people get rid of neck pain. First, a thorough examination is performed so we can determine the exact cause of your neck pain. We help you get rid of your neck pain by restoring normal motion back to the joints and freeing up irritation from your nerves, stopping the degeneration of the spine and discs, and getting scar tissue out of the soft tissues. Lastly, we strengthen your nerves and muscles while teaching you how to keep the neck pain from coming back. If you want to get rid of your neck pain so you can sleep better and get your life back, call us! We can help.


Are you suffering from migraines? Have you been put on medication but are still having them? Have you been told you will have them forever? Well, Broadway Chiropractic specializes in the treatment of migraines for residents of the Denver area, and we will show you that migraines can be treated and that they do not last forever.

Migraines can be debilitating and dangerous. Several studies have linked migraines to depression and strokes. Migraines are neurological and vascular disorders that affect women more than men and typically occur before 40 years of age. Migraines can last from a few hours to days.

Symptoms can start days before a migraine and can include depression, constipation, irritability, yawning uncontrollably, certain craving foods, neck pain/stiffness.

Auras can occur shortly before the onset of a migraine. Auras can be visual, sensory, motor, or verbal in nature. Visual auras can present as spots or shapes in the visual field, flashes of light, or vision loss. Sensory auras can present as tingling or pins and needles in the legs and arms. Motor auras can present as weakness in the legs and arms. Verbal auras can present as speech or language problems.

​��Migraine headaches usually cause intense pulsing or throbbing head pain, light and sound sensitivity, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, and sometimes fainting.

You can continue to try and "manage" them your whole life by taking medication, OR you can improve the function of your brain and body to the point where they no longer occur without having to take drugs.

Dr. Madden has been helping people get rid of their migraine headaches for almost twenty years without drugs or surgery. Even the most severe migraine cases can improve.

If you want to get rid of your migraines so you can stop suffering, missing work, and get your life back again, call us. We can help.